I’m enjoying playing Phobies, but my number one issue with the game is how defensive everything is. My number one strategy for winning is placing Cerberus on top of a point and watching my opponent flounder as he is incapable of removing him. Defense simply rules the game, especially when your opponent has two or more phobies with three tile range.
That’s all water on the bridge, so my primary point is this: why can you summon a phobie and attack with it on the same turn? We’ve all had the obnoxious situation of having a phobie almost survives and then Jar Cannon is summoned and kills it. So you can’t ever have a unit within five tiles of their vault when typically at least one point is within four.
Now perhaps to make it so that Heart Rushing isn’t TOO viable a strategy, you could make it so that there’s only a damage debuff instead of an attack prevention, but that’s up to the devs, along with numbers.
Thank you for hearing me.
It makes sense to me, but I have Morty for big maps to KO Snowball or other weak phobies in my territory.
To be honest defense isn’t that much of an issue. There are tons of initiator phobies, such as attractor, repeller, le shovell, etc. If you were in higher leagues your opponent would use something like rusty or freeze to prevent your cerberus strategy.
As for attacking on the same turn a phobie is summoned, it simply makes sense. This punishes your opponent if they make overaggresive plays. Jar and snowball 5 tile coverage isnt as much as you might think, especially if your opponent avoids your keyhole, or on large maps.
I can understand the frustration with this, in my opinion the problem with the system is that as new units get introduced you have more and more units to play around until it becomes impossible. With the original cast you can play around them fairly readily even with aggressive builds, but then they keep introducing units that can hit even further than jar and snowball and do more damage, and once you start getting beyond where snowball can hit you start being able to ‘punish’ the enemy for standing on their own side of the field which i think is way too much
So, tbh, i think that being able to attack on the first turn is alright. Most phobies dont get the chance to attack first turn. I just typically stay away from the vault unless my ppl high on hp.
(Ive been gone for a while, but i know abt that op cactus dude. I have yet to encounter him. Im in doomsday 3.)
I think that the problem is NOT when you move your phobies really close to the enemy vault and they get killed. I think the problem is maps with very close panic points. I think I calculated everything correctly, and then suddenly an unknown element of high level Staremaster materializes and deals 700 damage. I think this adds a level of randomness that takes away from the meticulous strategy of the game.
This, I feel, is especially a problem on the Big Maps, where you don’t even have to focus on saving up on keys to have 7 or 8 keys worth of phobie to get a free kill on an enemy phobie that by all accounts should have been safe.
Ps. I too have yet to encounter the Cactus Dude, but I can only assume that his existence is a point for my argument.
You have a point, but randomless in phobies is simply unavoidable. Your opponent’s level, the phobies they have are all random. What you can do is play around this issue: stay away from the keyhole. As for billy, he has a teeruble amount of damage, which, paired with his rarity, makes him less of a problem.
The cactus dude has 3 actions when combined with 2 move and 2 range means he can hit you from your side of the map from spawn on most small maps and because he uses fire can defrost units at that same range.
its reasonable enough when the units are hitting units near the keyhole cause you can stay on your side of the field until you can deal with them as a counterplay. But if they can hit beyond that there is no counterplay, its just free damage for your opponent, especially when they can use ally displacers to extend that reach further, you start being able to spawn snipe people from across the entire map.
I agree with your point. But at the same time, you cant be meticulous unless a certain scenario occurs. Seeing as anybody could own any phobie, there is always a part of the game that is random, and you are meant to prep yourself for when that time comes.
The problem is most consistently smaller maps where there is a panic point within 5 squares-or even so little as 4- from the enemy vault. It’s one thing if I get what is coming to me while trying to heartrush my opponent, but if I’m playing defense on a point and Snowball rushes up and deals 500+ damage at five spaces from the heart. Jar Cannon is more annoyance than anything else, Snowball is the primary offender.