Suggestion for cometitive play against WHALES

WHALES Will have higher level phobies, so this isnt fair and fun to play against them.

So, to make sure the game still could be competitive for soft spender and even F2P player, please add these features on upcoming update:

  1. Add an upgrade card shop that allows us to buy upgrade card for our collection phobies with exp (like in brawl stars), don’t ever use Bean.
    This feature can allow all Players to be competitive. So soft spender and free player could catch up their favorite/counter phobies level with whales, of course in little longer time. As a hard spender, whales still have their previlege, getting higher level phobies in instance.

  2. Make beans farming more fast.
    Your game Will be developing. There Will be more new phobies and new features. So why don’t you make beans farming more fast and easy?

Thank you

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