The Mysterious Phobie

If you watched the gameplay trailer of Phobies, you probably saw this:

I have played the game for a while, and have seen all the 4-key phobies. But such thing doesn’t exist. Does anyone know why it was in the trailer? Was it removed? Or was it just a mystery?


Maybe its called the Fowl/yeti since I haven’t matched against only 3 phobie which is Akira …
fowl , yeti .

It was probably the prototype of some other phobie and the developers ended up changing the design.

but you have seen this phobie?

That weird alien








I have seen fowl , but i forgot
these are all the phobies except stress lvl unlock cause I

am lvl 27

That alien may be available on further update

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But none of these phobies are 4 keys. This one’s a 4 key.

Those are unreleased phobies which were leaked in the trailer apparently.
In the trailer you can see 3 phobies which are not introduced in the game yet.

whats the 3rd unreleased? theres the alien and the skeleton, whats #3?

I also couldn’t find. The only phobie I didn’t see before was those two crows with the masks. I don’t know if they exist (Or maybe one does, the other one doesn’t. Because they are different.)

Yellow Sparky

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But I watched it like 10 times. Can you send me the link? Maybe there is still a trailer I haven’t watched.

Maybe yellow sparky lay electric traps, that would be cool


I saw it in the trailer and it’s not in the game I wondered if it’s a new phobie from an update or just a forgotten phobie

Hi, I’m from a year in the future. That four key is daisy, a resurrectable phobie with 2 speed, 2 range, and high damage. It walkes and has a line of sight attack.

The alien is greylien, an 8 key (or close to that) which has bypassing movement of 2 and a special range 2 attack which switches the postitions of it and its target.

Yellow sparky does not exist.


Hi, I’m even more from the future and the Yellow Sparky is Ogre.

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Thank you member who comes from the future.