Top ladder bullies think they are good with high level cards

Wish Atrend, Alieneneneer, or any of the top ladder would face me in a 1v1. They ass at the game and literally are only there cause they have high level cards. Wrecked atrend in a match (I had a level 11 bear) this guys brings out level 13s and 14s . He barely won last second cause his murder wing has to get 3 tapped by me. Send the level 1 invite you “top ladder players”
Can’t wait for you to use snowball first play and get scorched.

All I know is when people got max cards these jokes that only play snowball and stabby gunna get mopped

This guy :rofl:
There at too ladder for a reason, some of those people are like stress level 70 so they are not all about there levels

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why not mention hopeloy lol
also 11 to 14 ain’t that big level difference


I play high ladder people I’m 40th in arena which isn’t that good but I definitely play people with all the smoke…

Oh hopeloy???
Don’t even get me started…… LEVEL 23 stabby and snowball :rofl:
What is the point, Or even playing When stabby 1 shotting 1-keys, with 611 damage

Wonder what these guys would do if they nerfed them lol

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Funny fact for you,aliengineer and nearly half of the soaf are total free to play,they got all their level with time and did thousand of game,also aliengineer is considered as one of the best player on term of skill lol,being able to beat seceral time in a row others player like hopeloy even with high level difference.
Also if you’re wondering,aliengineer will still be better than you because first he more ancient and skillfull,he respect the others even if they win.
Its totally possible to win with ten less level unit than ennemy,and lot of people managed to illustrate that with ease,as a personal exemple I nearly beated anda and the result were the same both in the two,even if one was 1 level match and other one with anda having 5 more level,I also beated fever,stelios or ryuk even with their higher level.

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@Elephant Also I did watch your two last game and damn these two game literally contradict your saying,plus really for someone saying that top ladder relly on level you didn’t seem to be really skilled.Literally your post is obsolete as you have the same usual soaf level now,and still some of your level managa to become soaf 2 or 3.

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I got level 10s man. The game def can be winnable with under levels. But he had level 24s and this post was a while ago. Who cares anymore, I barely play this game now lol

Ho my bad I didn’t saw the post was 1 years old lol,I tought it was really recent