Water Wolf Phobie Idea

this fear costs 1 and has 550 life and 150 damage at level 1. His ability is to be able to create a pool of water every 3 turns in which whoever falls into it loses all his life as he drowns. The pool of water cannot be passed as you cannot pass through it without falling and it lasts for 1 enemy turn.
It represent the hydrophobia.


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In my opinion the idea si good but it needs some finisihng.
I think that the phobie should have two of movement and one of attack range, the name of the ability could be “Inside tne puddle” and the phobie’s name might be “hydrophilic”.

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I love the idea, however, water Wolf, unless it’ s the name of a fish or the phobie I think an deep abyssal fish half coming out from one of its puddle on the ground like it is travelling through those is more suites than a wolf, and maby a higher cost like 2 because its hability could be used in insane ways.

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