What is the most powerful Phobie you own? (Just curious)

The thing is… Furnace face is not good at clutching up games where your losing, hes a better play when you have a large/semi map advantage, since furnaceface is so good at protecting other phobies. (Not just fragile lobbers or glass cannons) Tetuna92/mötörhead won against me with his furnaceface by pushing aggressively when he had a minor map advantage, thanks to furnacefaces ability.

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True, it was a bad idea to play him on such a small map, because furnace face is great at supporting long rang phobies as well as more defensive phobies that protect the mainly weaker longer ranged Phobies,
In terms of attack damage and health at a short range Cerberus is better, however in terms of supportive phobies Furnace face is better, however in my opinion a fireplace could probably defeat three slow moving dogs especially considering how broken the ability is to pretty much double the health of any phobies staying in the smoke,

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I have a question… should I save up for a horrific pack or buy a terrifying pack
Because I have 303 beans,

Did you ever buy a horrific pack, or is it your first time?

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If its your first time buying the horrific pack then get the horrific.

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Thanks (:
Ill save for the horrific!

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Always buy one of each first, then either terrifyings depending on whether you want more common/ uncommon units as quick as possible or dreadfuls if you wanna get the rarer units

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This is why I love the community of phobies. Jokes,but not ones that hurt.


Agreed! Its hard for a very small game to have many haters! There are lots of awesome people on the forums!


Well I have played for years now but one of my most powerful Phobies is Fowl (my profile pic). It packs a powerful punch plus can heal while doing that.


I love in-oc because only four keys for serious sniping power ever since I got him I don’t really bother w attracter and reracter bc their supers rarely actually help that much


That’s not true most pros prefer attractor/repeller

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Inoculus is still very strong, id say personally its a close margin between it and repeller.
the best is attractor though no questions, just absolutely disgusting. Its so good ive been intentionally limiting my usage of it because i find it too easy to win with attractor that it gets boring

Pros differ on whether inoculus or repeller is better and theres compelling case for either, pros all agree that attractor is the best though.

I’d say inoculus is better damage wise

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Well by pure stats yes, but given the right circumstances repeller can wrack up bigger numbers by spam pushing people back and slowly chipping away at them over time, and attractor causes things to take way more damage by pulling them in to your entire team and murdering them

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yea I can see that attracter and repeller supers could be useful sometimes but I personally mostly use inoc because I care more about the damage

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My best fobie IS Bad sushi .

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Nice :+1:
Bad sushi is obviously the best Phobie :sunglasses:

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