2 new phobie ideas

Here are two new phobies i made :

  1. Mecha barzilla

Health : 2400 (level 1)
Attack type : Line of sight
Attack tiles : 2
Attack damage : 550
Type : Mechanical
Rarity : Ultra rare
Movement tiles : 1
Movement type : Walking
Key cost : 9 keys
Abilities :

  1. LAZERRRRR : deals 1500 damage to a enemy phobie.

Cooldown : 6 turns
Attack tiles : 2 tiles

Up up and away : pushes a enemy phobie by 2 tiles and deals 300 damage.

Cooldown : 3 turns
Attack tiles : 1 tile

Based on : mecha godzilla

Phobias assosciated with mecha barzilla :

  1. Megalophobia (fear of giant objects)
  2. Technophobia (fear of technology)

Story : Mecha barzilla is a super weapon created by humans to defeat barzilla, but they made it very powerful to powerful…

  1. 4 Fists

Health : 1400 (level 1)
Attack type : Line of sight
Attack tiles : 1
Attack damage : 657
Type : undead
Rarity : Uncommon
Movement tiles : 2
Movement type : walking
Key cost : 4 keys

Ability :
Super punch : -800 damage to a enemy phobie

Cooldown : 2 turns
Attack tile : 1 tile

Story : A dead fighter’s body got stolen by a mad scientist and was “upgraded” To become a frankenstein monster.
(Btw the mad scientist also created cerberus and eratic by experimenting with corpses)


YES YES MECHA BARZILLA I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE!..unlikely addition though maybe too on the nose…

Yeah probably but still could be added probably with some nerf because i probably made it to OP…

Anyways here barzilla’s biggest enemy :

King kevin

Health : 1800 (level 1)
Attack type : Line of sight
Attack tiles : 2
Attack damage : 450
Type : Monster
Rarity : Common
Movement tiles : 2
Movement type : Flying
Key cost : 7 keys
Ability : none
Effects : Burns enemy phobies everytime they get attacked by king kevin.

Damage : 360 for 4 turns

Based on : king ghidorah

Phobias assosciated with king kevin :

  1. Megalophobia (fear of giant objects)
  2. Xenophobia (fear of aliens)

Story : No one knows where they came from but the only thing we knew is that this creature did not sit well with barzilla this conflict might result in the end of the world, but currently this creature is frozen in ice.