3 phobie ideas

  1. Dragon king

Health : 2000
Damage : 500
Rarity : UR
Key cost : 9
Class : monster
Attack tiles : 1
Attack type : line of sight
Movement tiles : 2
Movement type : walking

Ability : true power

Transform into another form once your heart reaches 1000 health
Health : 1500
Damage : 900
Attack type : lob
Attack tiles : 2
Movement type : flying
Movement tiles : 3

  1. Death hornet

Health : 1655
Damage : 400 +(250 poison damage)
Attack tiles : 1
Attack type : line of sight
Rarity : Rare
Key cost : 5
Class : undead
Movement tiles : 2
Movement type : flying

Ability : Air slash

Deals 300 damage +(700 disease damage)
To all phobies in its range, kinda like goon or blast o matic

Cooldown : 7 turns
Range : 2

  1. Super jar
    Health : 850
    Damage : 460
    Attack tiles : 3
    Attack type : lob
    Rarity : UR
    Key cost : 6
    Class : mechanical
    Movement tiles : 2
    Movement type : walking

Ability : Acid rain

Deals corrosive damage to all enemy phobies for 10 turns

Range : all map
Cooldown : 4 turns
Debuff : 400 damage

Note : you might be wondering what the hell is corrosive damage. Well its a type of damage that i created that functions like poison or disease but instead of damaging the phobie it instead lowers its damage
(Can’t be cured)

I got a idea for a new phobie

  1. Kraken
    class: mecha
    key cost: 9
    health: 2500
    damage: 450
    movement: 3 tiles
    attack range: 2 tiles
    attack type: normal
    ability 2 damage: 350

abbility 1: absorb
while underwater he absorbs 50% off all damage. When he he attacks he this ability will disabele until your next turn. (the tile where he stands on turns to water untill he goes to one other tile)

abilty 2: wirhlpool
drags all phobies 2 tiles away to him

Totally very good grammar and also wdym by underwater?

the kraken “lives” underwater. it is the same as underground

Oh kinda like tiny tim

Corrosive damage would actually be the craziest thing ever. 400 Attack debuff that can’t be cured is actually busted, even for a 6 key.