Im not a artist or anything, but i came up with a concept. A phobie that can duplicate another phobie.
For example, say you have a terrordactyl on your team, you get that phobie close to the terrordactyl, activate its ability, and just become a terrordactyl. I made some stats for it.
Name: bloberto
Race: dimensional
Rarity: ultra rare
Key cost:5-7 (can’t decide)
Damage: 200
Attack range: 1
Movement range: 2
Ability name: phobie-fication smuggin’
Ability description:turns itself into an ally phobie for 3 turns. Once the 3 turns are over, the phobie goes back to its original state
Ability cooldown: 1 lock, 3 cooldown
Ability range: 1
Appearance: a glob of black oil with a yellow eye in the middle. (Yes, its the glob variant)
So tell me your opinions on this. Also, im PRAYING the devs ACTUALLY SEE THIS, because it would be a very cool idea to be added into the game, in my opinion. Really hope it gets added (even tho its very unlikely)
Is this what you’re looking for?
It’s supposed to say “scanning” on the left bit, but I couldn’t fit it in. Also, I have some thoughts on this phobie: would it change into an undead or mechanical type instead of staying dimensional when morphing? If it changes into a phobie with more HP, will it gain HP or its health stay the same? This sounds a lot like Undertaker, did this idea come off of that?
Holly crap the design is amazing, just like i imagined it! Also, when bloberto uses uis ability and transforms, he should have a yellow eye above him (or the phobie he is) to identify him from the other ally phobie, like whuffallo will
Also, when it transforms into a phobie, it FULLY becomes it, meaning it switches race (if not dimensional) and gets the stats of the phobie he transformed into
I thought that he could have little shines like this:
The little bits around Fetch are the shiny things.
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But does it copy the ability and the lock?
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Yes. It copies EVERYTHING, the race, the stats, even the key cost (even tho there’s no need for yhe key cost)
I think that it should stay copied for 4 turns, because it wastes the first turn by likely moving to the phobie and using the ability. So that way it really gets to become it for 3 turns.
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Maybe instead of the shiny things or the eye-halo, it could still leave slime residue in its other forms and it could have the No Fare ability. Maybe it doesn’t need the ability, but it could have slime under it all of the time.
Imajinate 2 BOSS en la misma partida 
Como obviamente seria el phobie mas roto del juego por mucho, yo diria que no puede usar las habilidades del phobie que clonó.
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The cooldown and lock are the same when he clones a phobie, too. for example if he clones fantome, he gets 2 locks and 3 cooldown
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