It feels terible to save so much coffee for a dreadful pack, just to get Mildred and other common Phobies. I like the idea if there were dreadful god-packs, but it would have to be near impossible to get. Mildred is too expensive to summon, slow, and can only attack once every two rounds. Only doing as much damage as Cerberus and run away, just to run back and redo the cycle until you have it out for only six rounds and if longer, it dies to poison or disease. Gonzo bonzo may need to buff its target a bit more because he is barely making a difference attacking or supporting other Phobies. Le shovel is on surprisingly almost half of my opponent’s teams and has a bit too mush power in his attacks when his ability/ultimate already makes him OP.
Mildred is always awkward, you can use it but it takes a lot of setup and i dont blame people for calling it bad, especially with how it can often be pressured in its off turns.
Gonzo most certainly does not need to buff its target more, it used to buff for 300 and it was overpowered and had to get nerfed. gonzo is still extremely good, i get that le shovell overshadows it a bit in a support damage role but i find myself using both together a lot to break through loads of big map builds.
And for le shovell, absolutely agree, frequently getting stuck in matches where the opponent has le shovell and you just have to run him yourself or youre locked out of the game. Theres too many instances where the only way to deal with an opposing le shovell is one of your own.
I had no idea Gonzo Bonzo used to be OP. I’ve gotten him to the best level that I can get him to, and he still feels like a slow, hard to defend, support Phobie. He just feels like a burden once I summon him.
Gonzo is still very strong, its main use is combining it with splash units, especially ones with 100% aoe. When comined with stuff like heavo 3.0 that 250 buff with 500 on defence becomes 250 to the entire enemy team/ 500 on defence, with a unit that doesnt even need to be in the fight and can just sit behind it and keep doing this
Oh, that makes so much sense. So combining him with Eratic and sheeting gas. I will start to use that. Thank you benofevil!
I hope they allow players to redeem more than one referral code…
So uhh… Catch me up :]
Catch you up on what
The game. Havent played in like, 5 months.
They also added acceleration for people with a lot of EXP. You can upgrade with coffee and exp your phobies to your average level
Thx for catchin me up.
Ive come back in the game again! And a must say am impressed with many phobies being pretty much balanced. There are a few who maybe needs rework och buff. Some maybe debuff. Mostly its alll about match - if opponent is 3-4 + lvls Higher with their phobies, its GG, I wish here that they set a limit somewhere… somehow.
Buff Greylien almost never use… its hp is too low. Or/and the attack range to 2+.
Gargles - I dont know, i think its unfair this one turns out of stone in favour for the opponent. Many other phobies dont have this disadvantage. Ofc he shouldnt be able to be in stone all time, but then higher cooldown?
Brazilila. - Slight Damage buff? Its still pretty costy for a 8* with only that specs.
Hazmat - I cant really find him in good use, maybe okey somewhat in small maps. Sure his faty and tanky. But his very slow, not that impressive damage. And his poison abilities are too weak for it to play. Make him vomite bigger space or something cool
Whiskers - Too weak. Sure his a trap spy… But you get easily killed for him to play some part. And compared to Doom Doom - its ridiculous even if doom doom cost 5*.
Akira… - I still think his ultimate is too insane, pulling everything. Delete one of them, either pull only opponents or your own phobies. And buff him in damage or somewhat instead.
Flosso - needs walk nerf to 1, if he is going to pull 3.
Hydras Hp debuff!
Last Snowball If you change his walking from 3 to 2, maybe many matches doesnt have to start with him always. Gets a bit same same. Maybe increase something else. Zero cooldown on ability?
Also supportive “damage buff heroes” have in general slighty too much attack of their own?
Hi there! I hope i was able to catch you up, too
Some i agree here, some i don’t
Greylien, Gargles, Whiskers and Hazmat are situational phobies. They perform well in their respective situations: hazmat on maps with lots of tainted ground, whiskers when you need a cheap trap detector, gargles when you really need to hold a point/ block a area, and greylien when your opponent uses a eight or nine key you want to get rid of. Whsikers and hazmat do need a buff though, i agree
I agree with Barzilla- he’s useless in a lot of situations, having a buff in attack would be nice
Flosso does need a nerf, though i feel like increasing its key cost/ lowering its stats even more would be better than decreasing movement cost
Hydra’s absurd hp is countered by the fact that it is a mechanical-so no need for a debuff
Snowball is like jar-too much of a core phobie of the game to change, its fine the way it is. I personally feel like there needs to be a phobie capable of punishing over aggresive plays, and snowball does the job well without being overly OP.
Akira has very poor stats to compensate for its busted ability, and i’ve found out you usually lose the game if you can’t cripple your opponent’s team using its ability. Its almost like a hit or miss.
I still find akira to be one of the most overpowered units out there even after its nerf. on any slow map its borderline unbeatable its stats only ever become an issue on faster maps where you can rush it. In which case yeah you can sometimes beat it but its got slightly less than klepto stats, which honestly makes it good even on faster maps
Thanks for feedback!
I get they are situational phobies. However being a situational, u still need to be at least decent for it to be worth.
7* Greylien - should at least be able to use his ability like he his a teleporter, so the ability should go over objects/obsticles or 3 steps like Flosso 7*. Or else his use compared to fantome 5* or Miss Moffat 5* is not worth for 7*. Also too many at 7* are better picks than him for so many reasons. Picking Flossa is easy a much better choice over him. Greylien could have the potential of being a true Alien abductor
Hydras weaknesses to electrical is not enough… He’s hp is beyond god for 4* with that damage. Ruins many fights. I still think at least 15%~ hp reduction is legit.
Yeah I know what u mean with Snowball being counter for Jar, however many fights begin always the same with Snowball. Ruins the fun in the length…Tricky one.
Ah, disagree on Akira , hehe. However we all will have him.
I understand what you’re saying, but akira has downright terrible stats for a 9 key. As i said, you need to do a lot of damage to your opponent with its special ability, otherwise you basically lost the game. Leeprican also counters it pretty well, especiqlly on smaller maps. I guess a way to nerf it would be to add one more turn lock to the ability, which helps rush it.
For Greylien, I feel like it’s Flosso thats being too op rather than Greylien itself being weak. Plus, its only rare rarity, making it more accessible. Miss moffat and fantome don’t quite work the same way.
I feel like Hydra is like Cerberus: stats look op, but there are tons of ways to counter it in reality. I’ve personally never had any issue dealing with him, in 1000+ games. Just harrass him with 3 range or electric units or use rusty.
Guess I need Leeprican then Have 100 phobies but not that one.