[Feedback] Nerf-Buff Phobies: Which Ones and What to Change

Buff rambolina’s ability to 1 turn cooldown, please.,because literally the repeller can do the same thing with 1 cooldown and it costs less

Erm acually repeller has 2 cooldown

No, the ATRACTOR has 2 cooldown. Repeller has one

Is Atractor better or is Repeller better? I have Atractor and I’m confused on why it’s more expensive than Repeller.

Attractor is insanely good, its more expensive than repeller because it pulls instead of pushes which allows it to set up kills instead of knocking things back. It also has more health which seems like a small amount but its 900 health is just enough to survive every electrical in the game except frosty and survive most dive attempts making attractor suprisingly hard to kill when used well. It got nerfed to 2 cooldown and its still one of the best units in the game at top levels

As for whether attractor or repeller is better, both are insanely prevalent. Repeller’s gotten much better now that its main counter of boss + gonzo has had both units nerfed. I give the edge to attractor just because its got way more kill power and is more durable. There are some multi turret builds that repeller deals with way better than attractor but for general use attractor just kills things quicker and is harder to punish.

On the topic of the Phobie named Skn-walker
I suggest a different name. And not W
ndigo either. Perhaps “Dark Stag” like a reference to “Dark Horse” as well as them turning dark with their ability :slight_smile:


Traditional Navajo people are reluctant to reveal skin-walker lore to non-Navajos, or to discuss it at all among those they do not trust. Keene, founder of the website Native Appropriations, has written in response to non-Navajos incorporating the legends into their writing (and specifically the impact when J. K. Rowling did so) that when this is done, “We as Native people are now opened up to a barrage of questions about these beliefs and traditions … but these are not things that need or should be discussed by outsiders. At all. I’m sorry if that seems ‘unfair’, but that’s how our cultures survive.”[4]

[4]Keene, Dr. Adrienne, “Magic in North America Part 1: Ugh.” at Native Appropriations, 8 March 2016. Accessed 9 April 2016. Quote: “the belief of these things (beings?) has a deep and powerful place in Navajo understandings of the world. It is connected to many other concepts and many other ceremonial understandings and lifeways. It is not just a scary story, or something to tell kids to get them to behave, it’s much deeper than that.”

i have read the articles and found that too many people want to nerf the popular phobies and anyone can get it easily. while these phobies like Le shovell, fantome, gonzo,… are the only way for f2p players to fight p2w. Try looking at battles where your opponent has Billy, Doc Holiday, Bluelien or dozens of other extremely broken phobies. Without the above phobies, it is difficult to fight them and you can only lose quickly. I feel like the game needs to balance the power of the ultra rares that sell for $100. they can be strong but not so strong that they cannot fight against the best example being SkinWalker in terms of balance

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We can nerf multiple things. Billy and doc holidae are in my nerf list just as le shovell and fantome are, i feel like its a bad idea to let le shovell get away with being as powerful as it is just because its an uncommon, its far too meta warping.
Also bluelien has already been nerfed twice. Frankly i dont think it needs any more nerfs its been beatable for both me and my opponent when ive fought it.
As for the deal phobies people seem to think theyre all busted but theres literally only two of them that are actually overpowered. Its just billy and frosty. several more like cluck norris and cecillia that are in desperate need of a buff


all the personal opinions are based on a mediocre level 10 player not setting foot into Sum of all fears. With 91 Phobies , stresslevel 75.

2 Key :
Suckee he has beef and attack but in my opinion would love 100 more base HP or a bit attack
Cupcake: Gosh i still hate this guy. that a ultra rare draw can be wasted with this guy is clutch. Should be a rare at most. barely sees any play. In some niche situations in like 1 of 300 battles he might be worth playing. still a waste of ultra rare.

4 Keys:
Slammerhead: barely sees any play on both sides. i never played him. I think he needs a health and/or attack buff to be somewhat relevant. or the effect of le shovel, or let him hit both, enemy and friendly units.

6 keys:
Cecilia: another ultra rare who is completly underwhelming. breaking bad toxic is cool on maybe 2 out of 20 maps, sometimes. But compared with lila, the guy making permanent traps with three times the damage compared to a field of cecilia, which goes away after 4 turns. i like this phobie so much, but he is not worth it. Toxic immunity is nice but not enough.
Maybe give him the possibilty to create a longer lasting spaces, or give him a normal poison immunity as well. or buff the range of his fertilize effect. then he could counter stuff. or give him poison heal, when he stands on a toxic field he gains health as the field would stack poison. otherwise he is mostly dissapointing. really needs a buff.

7 keys:
Fishtank: that this guy is compared from the developers with alleygator makes no sense to me. in over 1000 games i saw him like 2 times at most.
Blast o matik: my mirst ultra-rare. compared to the other ultra rares cupcake and cecilia, he’s kinda worth playing? but i don’t know, there mostly better options. maybe boosting his ability to hit robots would give him enough power. a buff from 50% electrical damage to 66% but otherwise… really scratching on a rare rank,especially with all these new ultra rares. still kinda ok but very meh

Suckee: i kinda agree, he does see some play here and there but he can be pretty underwhelming at times especially compared to unicorn
Cupcake: cupcake gets turbo ultra slept on by lower level players. In its pre nerfed form it was the 2nd best unit the game has ever had only losing to pre nerf le shovell, and in its post nerf form its still top 10 tbh. I think people just dont have the collection to use buffers effectively so things like gonzo and scritch get the favour because theyre units on top of that. Whereas in top ranks everyone has heavo 3.0 or noxious and cupcake is a 2 key deal 300 damage to the entire enemy team heal 650 and free a phobie slot so you can easily put it in then immediately switch it out to pile on pressure. Still regularly wrecks me at soaf 2
Slammerhead: yeah, never see it, never use it, dunno why you ever would.
Cecillia: i feel like all the tile spawners need a way better tile to spawn, or at least let them spawn them from range, then cecillia specifically just needs better stats in general, cause its just way too weak for its cost.
Fish tank: my poor fishy boy, i love him so but he is so terribly weak.
Blasto: really? This one confuses me cause blasto is generally considered to be OP in midladder and solidly A tier at top ladder. Hes a giant 2900 health screw off tank that doesnt die and can snipe things from across the map. Hes one of the few electricals that is good enough to not really need its electric at all and are good just by virtue of their regular kit.

I agree with most of what you say, except I couldn’t disagree more about Cupcake. They are a cheap heal and buff. If that thing was a rare, it would be used in a ton more battles. The one bad thing about Cupcake though, is that it can’t buff undead Phobies. Since I use a lot of undead Phobies, few mechanicals, more monsters than mechanicals, and more than a good amount of dimensionals, it would be effective to maybe two thirds of the Phobies that I use.

Cupcake can buff Undead,he just can’t heal them

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Slammerhead is very situational on certain push out maps. Still find him okey. But yes sometimes little rework would be nice.

Strange. I find Fishtank okey/great hehe, and I use him for heavy damage /hp in mid/late game and when I dont want to get poisoned (lots of posion units). I think he is decent tank if not too many electrical opponents.

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Really?! I did not know that. I thought that it wouldn’t affect undeads because of the healing power. Thanks you for informing me!

we can discuss here all we want. but the devs never care about what we contribute. i’ve been waiting for leshy to get a buff or a rework for 3 years since i played this game. he was my first ultra rare! the devs just focus on monthly spending events and they never listen to the players


Ive been asking for a leshy buff for a long time as well

I think Billy should get a nerf. He’s insanely hard to hit because he can easily kite pretty much everything else, and he does at least 350 damage to any phobie after attacking them, with totals reaching 850 on the best attack. On top of this, the fire makes anyone opposing him not want to put any phobies there, and he can melt frozen phobies in no time flat. Pair that with its 1700 health and ability to run up, hit, and run away again, and you’ve got something not many people are ready to deal with. For a frame of reference, Psi-clops has 1650 hp and 400 attack, and they’re a 5 key, but I don’t really think that an extra move constitutes a single extra key considering the versatility. I would instead argue that an extra move should cost an extra 2 keys at the least.


Yeah. Leshy has the same average stats as a 5-key phobie, but with one difference: You can heal players with leshy. That’s it. I feel like there is a lot of wasted potential for the phobie. My proposal: Swap around Billy’s and Leshy’s key costs, because most players would say that Billy is much more useful than Leshy and would use their keys to get him.

after some testing i want to re-opinion.

Suckee: his bulk for 2 key is so valuable and is just good for what it is. survives some hits and sometimes some more.
Cupcake: Indeed, he buffs zombies. just tried it on grave digger, but as the other dude says - no heal. i got more then less noxious and Heavo Plaid, but before this was just never an option.
Blasto sadly got victim of my “Luck” getting like only good robots at the beginning and other dudes with +machine damage. ^^ i just registered him anti-bot but he got some nice snipes here and there since the post. the ray barely gots any clutch. if it could hit stones build by grave digger this would be way stronger. but i like him and muffin top too.

Fishtank: all guys have sparky and others, maybe there some invationstrategies to rush with robots until all anti bot units are dead. maybe he find his time to shine for me as well.

Slammerhead: still barely any think “man a push back here would be nice” but maybe it really helps for a backpush. but still compared to the 2 key version this is 2 keys more expensive. maybe i give him a chance, i like to play phobies no one plays because there could be strategy inside in one way.

Cecilia: the only really really pushneeded phobie. he counters smiley. like a bot. yeah. :smiley:
you can positionate on toxic field and try to pull a phobie on the field by victimize him, but 100 damage base damage toxic is in my opinion nothing worth to go for. even on a interdimensional barely any difference. please more love for cecilia. give him toxic on his base attack there would be so many ways to make him somewhat relevant