Internal Server Error :(

Hello Devs,

I would like to convey a problem I encountered recently. This problem started to occur towards the end of the game. Especially in situations close to winning. It never occurred when I lost. Also, Battle Logs do not show results either. It’s been two games in a row and I ran into this issue. When I follow the link, only a huge black screen appears. My phone is an iPhone 6. I hope you will solve the problem as soon as possible.


Heeeyo @CAGUAR.

are you still getting this error or is the game already working as it should?

In case you still have this problem give us the following information.

•What is your Phobies In-Game Name?

•What device/system do you play Phobies on?

•What Operating System/Version are you using?

(post deleted by author)

It started to happen constantly. Also, the game freezes.
2- İPhone 6
3- 1.4.370

Hey Caguar! I have you on Discord collecting information there as well.
Thank you for reporting this to us. We’ll continue chatting on Discord. :slight_smile:

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Since you will be talking via discord, I’ll be closing this ticket. :smiley_cat:

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