My rare idea for the game

Hello ladies and gentlemen, today I come to suggest one of my rare ideas to possibly improve the game we know as ‘Phobies’. I must clarify that they are just my ideas and I do not expect them to be implemented or anything like that, I only suggest things that would be interesting to them, and if applied correctly could work to improve the experience in the game.
I call it ‘‘the gentle offer’’ because it crosses my mind a character who dresses as a waiter (a character that I have come up with for years) although lippy with his extravagance could easily replace him. Anyway, after playing some games against the AI and seeing how aggressive it becomes and how impractical it is to test maps or phobies for pvp (I should clarify that I mean high levels that for lower players is still effective), I decided to give it another possible use that would take better advantage of the capabilities of the game’s AI.
You could do a warzone mode (or firefight as I know it) where you put your phobies and defend your heart, but the enemy only generates them to besiege you, prepare your defenses and the enemy attacks you until it kill all your phobies/heart or the AI is defeated. Although it would be for players with stress level 30 (for Clinico to heal and Miss Moffat to attract the enemy) and 30 phobies to have a variety of options.

The Gentle Offer
Take part in terrifying battles to test your skill in exchange for incredible rewards; being able to do only once a day. Test your phobies in a real scuffle against waves of enemies that arrive in combat and defend yourself until you complete the challenge and defeat the powerful bosses that await you.
Try the different difficult levels and go raising the risk to get better rewards: XP, Tears, Cofee and the oportunity to obtain a ‘‘New Phobie’’ (gacha) or improvement cards; of course if you manage to do a glorious feat in return. Have fun and fight such an imminent nightmare where your worst nightmares await you.
See you soon ‘‘Phobies Wanglers’’

However, it would have to clarify the basic principles; If a tutorial is needed to explain this to players, please make it separate and not just a box letter or as the little long tutorial of the beginning.

  1. For people to try it I thought it could be done once a day; this way it would not replace the existing modes and you would not have to wait long for it if it were per week.

  2. If it is once a day, they would not have to give many rewards, but these would be outside the daily ones and would not intervene in the progress of the game, but they would not benefit from the stress levels or the daily doubles; would be steady and of great help to climb a little faster if you have the time, but with the asynchronous is more than enough by their nature

  3. The bases would be that you have 25-40 keys (it depends if it is a short or long map), but the enemy has 32-60 with 6-10 at the beginning, apart the enemy takes out a high cost phobie (7-9) and this which will be the final boss, that there is walls, power-ups, spa, lava, etc. . . and panic points along with your heart and only yours

  4. The difficulty levels would be 7, with short or long maps depending on which one touches you, each time you cross a new difficulty 2 times you will unlock a greater one; Apart from the rewards would be obtained completely if you won (with the tears when you losing the result would be reduced; the xp would vary with your performance)

  • Uneasy ) the easiest with moderate xp, 300 tears and 5 coffee. doing any feat gives 30 tears not cumulative. enemy phobies whit lvl 3-6

  • Frightening ) a little harder with moderate xp, 320 tears and 5 coffee. doing any feat gives 50 tears not cumulative. enemy phobies whit lvl 4-8

  • Scary) normal difficulty with good xp, 350 tears and 8 coffee. each feat gives 20 tears or 5 coffee. enemy phobies whit lvl 6-12

  • Terrifying) heavier with good xp, 400 tears and 10 coffee. each feat gives 20 tears, 5 coffee or a scary pack not cumulative. enemy phobies whit lvl 8-13

  • Horrific) difficult with good xp, 450 tears and 10 coffee. each feat gives 8 coffee. 5 feats give the opportunity to reject all that for a terrifying pack. enemy phobies whit lvl 9-15 boss have lvl 17

  • Dreadful) very difficult with abundant xp, 500 tears and 13 coffee. each feat gives 10 coffee, 3 feats give the opportunity of 100% to get a new phobie at random or good improvement cards + 5,000 xp. enemy phobies whit lvl 10 -20 boss have lvl 25

  • Cruelly) the highest with abundant xp, 500 tears and 13 coffee. each feat gives 5,000 xp or 10 coffee, every 5 feats gives a Horrific pack or the opportunity to reject all that and get a specific phobie, improvement cards and xp to upload it to lvl 5 (if you do not have all the gacha type phobies). you have phobies lvl 1; enemy phobies whit lvl 2-5 boss have lvl 10

  1. The feats would be really difficult actions such as finishing the boss in the turn in which he appears, winning without losing a phobie or eliminate 5 phobies at the same turn, the challenges and the lippy quest could be completed here but would not influence the rewards.

  2. The boss would leave at any time of the game except the first 2 turns and would consume fewer keys of the AI in the highest difficulties; apart if the final blow is given with the same phobie, it will give you from 500 xp to 2,000 xp additional.

  3. There would be no free mode because that’s what the practical mode is for, and if you want to play it again, you must wait for reset day.

I consider the idea quite fun and challenging for the most veterans but I am open to suggestions and changes in ideas. with this I finish my proposal of The Gentle Offer and I hope you like it or it is of your interest. I say goodbye.


Hm… the AI would be difficult for the dev to make it seems (?)
but i look forward to this especially when you can do it with 2 people working together to fight boss horde or something.
this might be a good mode when the game implements clan.

and if this ai capable of doing what OP said, then i wish for endless horde mode to be available for some rewards in single player mode or clan mode

man, this game has a lot of potential. a lot of bright ideas came from the community and i hope devs can make it true


i think that have PvE content will be really good for the game and the players will enjoy it a lot, but pitifully the idea of PvE encounters was launched months ago and just ignored.