Phobia Labels

Doomdooms an owl, he has little hoots whenever he reveals traps

Here’s the 6 keys, these were the most fun to do. But there’s still some I’m unsure of
6 keys

Tiny Tim - he could just be fear of moles again, as he is a moley bully reskin, but other than that idk

Boofairy - fear of public speaking, Lso known as stage fright

Klepto - fear of getting stolen from

Semantic beesting - fear of bees again

Rambolina - fear of bulls

Bad sheep - fear of sheep again

Sabian - fear of justice

Zappy- ?

Attractor - ?

Furnaceface - fear of smoke

Cerberus - fear of Cerberus

Zomboni - ?

Erratic - fear of electricity

Goon - fear of sports

Mount crushmore- fear of mountains

Octonaughty - fear of octopuses, or fear of cephalopods

Pasgetti- ?

Alastor - fear of ghosts

Rocketman- fear of outer space

cluck Norris - fear of chickens

Blondie- just a reskin of hydra, so probably the same fear that hydra is supposed to represent

Brutewurst - fear of WIENERS?!?! If I’m being serious it’s probably fear of spoiled food

Cecilia - fear of toxic mushrooms again

Hoovey- fear of needles

Jeeves - fear of walruses

Puff - fear of dragons

Scritch - fear of hands

Zappy is actually an electric bug zapper, so it might weirdly enough be a fear of bugs

A little bit ago you brought up that creep uses bugs in its attack, so I changed his to fear of bugs. But even if he wasn’t I really don’t buy that zappy is fear of bugs