Some phobies don’t represent specific fears, they just carry the horror/fantasy genre. Example: Beauty is mimicking a dnd Beholder. This theory is backed up with her “behold” attack (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?). Edgar Allen being a raven isn’t a specific fear, but rather a reference to famous poetry and “Nevermore.”
That’s true @Yarrr. Not all phobias represent a fear.
But it would be interesting to see with what fear the community associates those phobies.
awol: losing a body part phobia (or possibly podophobia the fear of feet)
ace: fear of lightning (astraphobia)
akira: Teraphobia maybe other than that idk
alastor: phasmophobia (of ghosts)
alley gator: fear of gators ( Aligatoraphobia)
Ash/Muffat: arachnophobia
Attractor/Replsor/In-oc: no clue
Boom/kaboom/kerbloom: explosion phobia ( Ekrixiphobia)
baaaaaaaad sheep/sheeping gas: Flatulophobia (of farts) or Ovinophobia of sheep
baba yaga: Wiccaphobia (witches)
baby snakey/ssssssssssizzle: fear of snakes ( Ophidiophobia)
bad omen: mavrogatphobia (fear of cats particularly black ones)
bad sushi: cibophobia of food posioning
bad side manners: tomophobia fear of invasive medical procerdures
barzilla: Methyphobia fear of getting drunk or abusing acholhol
batula: Chiroptophobia fear of bats
beauty: I don’t know but the closestest I could find was Caligynephobia fear of beauty I think
Benny: Necrophobia fear of dead stuff
blast-o-matic: megalophobia fear of giant stuff
blinky: Angelophobia fear that angels will smite them
bloat: obesophobia fear of becoming obese
blondie: Melophobia fear of making music to be recognized
blue: Globophobia fear of popping baloons
blue speedola/red speedola: fear of wrestlers
bluelien/greylien/sir probesalot: xenophobia fear of alien
bomangles/giggles: Coulrophobia of clowns
bogart: fumiphobia fear of smoking
boofairy/toothfairy: Neraidaphobia fear of fairies
boomer/rockus/mount crushmore: Petraphobia fear of rocks
boss: Ergophobia fear of working/getting fired
Brony/Omega: Monokerophobia of unicorns
brutewurst: Loukanikophobia of sausages
Cassowary:Casuariphobia of cassowarys
Cecilia/lila Mycophobia of mushrooms
Cerberus/fetch/k9000: Cynophobia of dogs
Charon: Naviphobia fear of boats was the closest I could find
chuck: Athlemaphobia of sports
clinico: iatrophobia of dotcors
clobster: Kabourphobia of lobsters and crabs
cluck Norris/fowl: Alektorophobia fear of chickens
conductor: yusjabobpohbia fear of violins was the closest I could find
concortio: fear of contortionists or limbs bending the wrong way but there isn’t an official name i could find
cottontale/jackolope king/flopsy/mopsy: Keraphobia of horns or antlers
cowbell: fear of machines Mechanophobia
creep: fear of being watched
creepy devil: scelerophobia for burgalars or robbers
cupcake/muffintop: Cupcakephobia fear of cupcakes
Daisy: Tigriphobia of tigers
dail: Televisiophobia of tv
doctor Dermic; Trypanophobia fear of needles
doom doom: anxiety and impending doom no phobia for that but its very common
doughzer: Somniphobia of sleeping
droney/medibot: Robophobia fear of drones and AI
Edgar Allen/russel Ornithophobia fear of birds which includes ravens
electricat: Electrophobia fear of electricity
eratic: Electrophobia fear of electricity
eternal knight: Nyctophobia fear of darkness and nighttime
Fantome: Phasmophobia fear of spirits
finngigan: fear of sharks Galeophobia
fire ant: Myrmecophobia fear of or hatred of ants
fishtank: Ichthyophobia of fish
fleshcrawler: Kinemortophobic of reanimated stuff
frosty: Frigophobia fear of cold
furkin: Leprechaunophobia of leprechauns
furnaceface: Encavmaphobia fear of getting burned (alive)
gargles: Automatonophobiafear of statues
gesundheit/mikeroskopic: mysophobia (germs)
ginsting/hematic ginsting: Melissophobia fear of bees or in the case of hematic ginsting its Hemophobia of blood
gonzo bonzo: Phonophobia fear of loud noises
goon: Athlemaphobia of sports (same as chuck)
grave digger: taphephobia of gravestones and graveyards
grimes: Thanatophobia of death
haphe: haphephobia of being touched
hazmat: Toxicophobia of getting poisined
heavo/2.0/3.0/Plaid: Ergophobia of having to work hard (since they have to work hard to carry the bombs and throw them and stuff)
hi-five: Cardiophobia fear of heart attacks
honey bear: Opsimosphobia of tardogrades (water bears that honey bear is based off of)
hoovey: I honestly have no idea. if anybody knows if this phobie is based off something maybe the name of something pls tell me cuz I have no idea
hydra: hydrophobia maybe
I-scream: Pagotophobia of Ice cream
jammy fish: Scyphophobia of jellyfish
jar cannon: skelephobia fear of skulls and bones
jaws: Thalassophobia (of deep water) or Galeophobia (of sharks) was the closest I could get it doesn’t seem like he’s based off any particular fear
Jeeves: Odovainophobia of walruses
Jill/ted: Philophobia fear of love
Klepto: Kleptophobia that your get stolen from
Le shovell: possibly maybe peer pressure? think about it he pushes your phobie into battle. what if they don’t actually want to fight??? I couldn’t find a particular phobia for this but I think I might be on to something???
leshy: dendrophobia of trees
Maggie: entomophobia fear of bugs and flies
Mildred: ailurophobia of cats
Minotaur: bovinophobia of bulls
Misanthrope: Anthropophobia of people
moley bully/tiny Tim: Taphophobia** of being underground
Morty: claustrophobia of being trapped in a coffin or tight space in general
motherload: Ekrixiphobia of explosions
Mr. tramples/rambolina: Ochlophobia fear of being trampled
Mummy: Pharaohphobia of mummies and pharaohs
Murder wing: Skelephobia phobia of skulls
noxious: bromidrophobia fear of stinking
numbskull: stupidophobia fear of being dumb
octonaughty: opthalmophobia fear of being caught red-handed
ogre Angrophobia fearful of being angry or getting someone else angry
oopsy baby: pedophobia of children
paddles: cardiophobia of heart issues (same as hi-five) or maybe electrophobia of getting shocked.
pasgetti: no specific phobia but the its name is a reference to spaggeti code so maybe its the fear of not understanding something (or something simmilair)
Posion Ivy/Venus: Botanophobia of plants
Primate 9: Pithecophobia of monkeys
Prometheus: Lavaphobia of lava
Psyclops: Maybe a fear that someone can read your mind
puff: Pyrophobia of fire
quagmire: basophobia fear of falling (which includes sinking through the floor.)
Radihater: Thermophobia fear of heat
ray chargles: mantaphobia fear of manta rays
razor mouth: ailurophobia of cats
rocket man: cryophobia fear of being frozen
Russell: toxicophobia fear of getting posioned
rusty: Cleithrophobia fear of being trapped
sabian: is based off the cymbol brand sabian not really a fear accosted with that.
sasquatch: Athazagoraphobia fear of being forgotten
scritch: Chirophobia of hands
skinwalker: Apeirophobia fear of immortality
slayerrr: Mechanophobia fear of anything mechanical
smiley: Nosophobia fear of getting a deadly disease
smother mother: Botanophobia of plants
snappy: chelonaphobia of turtles
snowball/werewolf: Lupophobia and in snowballs case also pyrophobia of fire
sockassin: Vestiphobia of clothes because sockassin is based off Hyde and eek a clothing brand
sparky: nephophobia of thunder clouds
spud: potnonomicaphobia of potatoes
squiggles: Gutphobia fear of organs and guts and gore and stuff
stabby: Trypanophobia of needles
staremaster: Ommetaphobia fear of eyes
subnoxious: I don’t know this seems to a combo of a lot of phobias like toxicophobia (of getting posioned) and Taphophobia (fear of being underground)
suckee: bdellophobia of leeches
temptress: Ancraophobia of wind
terrordactyl:Pterosaurphobia of pterodactyls
the collector: Forosophobia of taxes
the glob: Myxophobia of slime
Thunder rocks: astraphobia of thunder
tick: acarophobia of bedbugs lice and ticks
tickles: Gargalaphobia of tickles
toothfairy: Neraidaphobia of faires and Dentophobia of teeth
tri-volta: Chorophobia of dancing
unbearable: Arkoudaphobia of bears
unicorn: Kalampokiphobia of corn
whiskers: Musophobia of rats
whuffalo will: acarophobia of parasites
wiggy: entomophobia of bugs including earwigs
wolly bully: scopophobia fear of being seen (ik that its based off bigfoot. but maybe also loosely based off scopophobia bc he covers his face with a sign and then shows it for his super which scares them so much they cant attack for as much damage. also bigfoot is known for being elusive bc he doesn’t want to be seen)
yeti: Frigophobia of ice
zappy: electrophobia fear of being shocked
zomboni: No clue
Anyways that’s all
I think the In-oculus family would represent the fear of evolved alien intruders or smt like that since their flavor text says “Nobody knows where they came from, and no one wants to!”
Ig yea. I knew there aliens but there’s not a specific phobia for that
Astrophobia could work, I see In-oculus as the fear of an alien invasion that would doom earth
Yes or xenophobia (fear of new change which includes aliens) it’s what I used for the others aliens like greylien and probsalot
Slammer head is a hammer shark, so fear of hammer sharks
I was tryna to only use diagnosable phobias that have names. A phobia of hammer head sharks is probably a thing, but it doesn’t have an official name
There’s A Phobia About Something Being Spelled The Same Fowards And Backwards Like The Word Racecar, I Think Thats What Wiggy Could Be
No wiggy is an earwig
That’s why he’s called wiggy
I know That, But I Feel Like Phobies Can Be Based On Animals, But That’s Not Actually Their Phobia, Wiggys Attack Animation “Flips” Him, But He Looks The Same Both Ways, But, Thats Just My Opinion
What even is creep
(20 characters)
they probably modified an earwig to make it unique
some sort of ninja worm that never brushes its teeth?
just saying :b
(This 20 Character Thing Is Getting Annoying)
Ninja mummy slug with bad breath