Terrifying Pack while all common and uncommon are owned

Hi there!

The Terrifying pack is a quite commom discussion topic on this forum ahah!
Still, I got a question that my researches could not answer.

We know two things about this pack:

  1. that statistically we get 1 phoby every 1.5 pack open. This means that the probability of getting a new phobia is 66.7%. It obviously means that you can get a small row of “empty” packs if you are unluckey (this was for the ones complaining).
  2. Once you get a new card, this one has different probabilities of being common, uncommon, rare or UR.

Now comes my question, for those who are on this game since a while:
What does happen if you take this pack while having all the commons and uncommons?
Do you still get:
A) 66,7% chances of a new cards as advertised, but 2) is wrong ?
Or B) only few chances to get a new card to keep 2) right?

I see A) more probable otherwise it is fake advertising.
But in that case Terrifying pack is much worthier than the two other packs, at least at some point of the game when the player already has a bit of UR…

So, is there someone who got every commons and uncommons that could test that? :smiley:

It explains it quite well if you click the (i) on the bottom of a pack.

It goes to this link:

phobies dot com /068e370b493098a39844678776ae94c6a854f783/

P.s. not being able to post proper links to the phobies website is annoying!

as someone who has all commons, uncommons and rares and talks to people who have all commons uncommons frequently, your chances will go down once you have them. I get significantly less phobies opening packs with all commons than i do without, then when new phobies drop i tend to get the new commons and uncommons extremely quickly.

also in regard to false advertising, the pack info specifically says (all rarities combined) in brackets for this reason, the specific rarities have their own specific odds and if you have all of the rarity you will get dupes instead of a new unit