What are the best compositions to start?

I’ve been playing for a long time and I’m top 400, but I’m still not sure what is the best composition of phobies to start a game?
according to the map and its size. I read you.

Ya llevo tiempo jugando y estoy top 400, pero aun no tengo claro cual es la mejor composición de phobies para empezar una partida?
según el mapa y tamaño de este. Te leo.

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It honestly depends on play styles and what you actually own.

Generally starting with low key units is best, I feel I win more when I use Snowball, Jar cannon, Murderwing and cassowary together. I’ll often also start with Grave digger, Creep and/or Sockassin, depending on the map. Basically a variation of all these units + razormouth for point capture.

All other units after that are reactive based on what my opponent does