I Tried to create a new Phobie

So i made a new Phobie who is a dimensional which it costs 9key and he is a Ultra Rare and his name is By-Bye. By-Bye is a dimensional phobie which it costs 9 key and By-Bye’s ability its called “C-U Later” is so similar with Fantôme and Heart-breaker, the ability can teleport enemy or a friendly unit up to 4 tiles away but it has a 2 round cooldown and when you spawn in the beginning you have to wait 3 more rounds until you can use his ability. By-Bye can walk up to 1 tile,Attack type: Lob or throwing,Attack range 2 tiles,Damage 600 And Rarity: Ultra Rare. Please let me know your thoughts :sweat_smile:

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The ability being locked for 3 turns seems a little long, maybe 2 turns since that’s what heart-breaker and fantôme is 2 turns. Especially since it’s one tile speed.

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Yeah your right cause i kinda made it too long