My theory of card percentages

This will only apply to tear and season packs

Uneasy packs : your chances of getting phobies from 0-25 phobies are like 45% then 26-40 is probably 30%, then 41-65 is like 10% chance and lastly 66-100 is 1% chance then probably 0% chance for above 100 phobies

Frightening packs : your chances of getting phobies from 0-25 is 85% chance, you chance of a new phobie from 26-40 is 60ish percent, your chance of a new phobie from 41-65 is 45% then your chance of a new phobie from 65-100 is 27% then 100 and above is like 8%

Scary packs : your chance of getting a new phobies from 0-25 is 90% probably and then your chance of a new phobie from 26-40 is 76% then 41-65 is 60% chance, your chance of a new phobie from 65-100 is 55% chance and from 100 and above its from 40% to 10% chance for new phobie

Red season packs : 0-25 phobies is a 62% of new phobies then 26-40 is 50% chance for new phobies, 41-65 is like a 35% chance for new phobies then 65-100 is 15% chance for new phobies and last but not least 100 and above is a 3% chance for new phobies

Sliver season pack : 0-25 phobies is a 80% chance of a new phobie to be unlocked and then 26-40 is a 70% chance of new phobies then 41-65 is a 50% chance for a new phobie, 65-100 is a 40% chance then 100 and above is a 20% chance

Gold season pack : 0-25 phobies is 95% chance for a new phobie then 26-40 is a 80% chance then 41-65 is a 78% chance for new phobies then 65-100 is a 65% chance for new phobie then 100-150 is a 50% chance and then 150-177 is a 30% chance for new phobie then 177-178 is a 5% chance for new phobie

Chances for new phobie rarity

Uneasy pack :

Common : 70.7%
Uncommon : 28%
Rare : 2.3%
Ultra rare : 0%

Frightening pack :

Common : 58.5%
Uncommon : 30.4%
Rare : 9%
Ultra rare : 3.1%

Scary pack :

Common : 45%
Uncommon : 38.6%
Rare : 12%
Ultra rare : 5.4%

Red season pack

Common : 65%
Uncommon : 29%
Rare : 6%
Ultra rare : 1%

Sliver season pack

Common : 47.5%
Uncommon : 38%
Rare : 10.3%
Ultra rare : 5.2%

Gold season pack :

Common : 10%
Uncommon : 40.6%
Rare : 35.4%
Ultra rare : 14%


Well, thank you for the info

Last week, i pulled 10 scary packs and i got 4 new phobies (no UR at all). My Collection was around 103 Phobies before the pull. So, the chance was 4/10*100% = 40%. (Wait, i hope my math is not wrong :slight_smile: )

My tears now is around 13.000. I will save up again until 30.000 and then pull it. Wish me luck :slight_smile:

The chance of UR are smaller your best bet is the gold season packs and also im pretty sure there is a 60% chance for 4 keys or less because most of my pulls are 4 keys and below