Need help with fan made phobie making

Right now I’m making an update idea called campfire tales and I need help figuring out 3 more phobies ideas

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Ooooo a fanmade update, i like it, and fortunately ive already thought of 3 phobie ideas off the top of my head

Phobie 1- a 1 key phobie made of fire, and sacrifices itself to deal great damage and fire damage to a unit
Phovie 2-a tree phobie, possibly a fir tree, its ability is that it shakes itself to make nuts fall of him in area of 1, it attracts squirrels, and theyll only go away when an enemy walks over them, and theyll get slightly damaged when walking over the squirrel tile
Phobie 3-i feel like a trapper phobie fits in with camping tales, and since theyve been releasing phobies with audity, the trap will… audify? The unit, idk abt the design tho you can think of that one

I might do the trapper one. I’m already making a fire phobie called firepit that does a self AOE fire. I’ve Done a marshmallow that acts similar to blue but removes movement like rusty, and a ghost that debuffs damage on attack (kinda like how collector does in a way), and a wendigo that turns invisible every time it kills (I’ll explain more about them once I post about them all)

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And what about my second idea? Nothin to say bout it orrrr…

I like the idea of it being a tree (maybe could make it a cursed tree like in most fantasy media) , but the ability could probably be different.

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