Credit to maninyellow for the post update tier list as i havent been able to make one myself, theres a couple units id change, like putting inoculus at A tier terrordactyl in C and charon in C, also me personally i put any unit i wanna nerf in S so a few of his high end A tiers would get an S for me, but this is overall a pretty good idea of what the meta is like post update
Tier lists with this game arent entirely accurate due to different maps (for example the speedolas are really A tier in wide open big maps, but poor on any other map type, so they only rank a B) situations (smiley is highly situation specific but can carry games) collection (displacers like fantome get significantly better the more stuff you have to combo with him) and skill levels (brony is incredibly high skill and is only S tier if youre really really good at using him) i would definitely check out the video where maninyellow goes more in depth as to why the placements are where they are (search up maninyellow youtube)
no way you put fetch in below average I am outraged
I mean i didnt maninyellow did, but i agree with him, he is kinda below average. His purposes are as a melee counter which, melees arent that common and even when they appear, rusty. And as a tank shredder. He comes from a long line of low health high attack melee units that just absolutely get mauled by inoculus repeller and attractor. So youre restricted to more fast paced wide open maps where hes generally just not as good as other things you could do
Jeeves is my favorite phobie that I don’t have
I should say this about the list - Phobies are placed left to right depending on their power level, so for example Hematic Ginsting is close to going to S-tier and Sockassin is close to going to B-tier (meaning Hematic is a good bit better in comparison).
That’s usually how it is
How is gesundheit in E, and Mike in C
Mike is stronger
(20 characters)
My new favourite sentence.
Both struggle with being overshadowed by other units, mike being overshadowed by the trio of bo stabby and benny, and gesunteit being grossly overshadowed by unicorn, id say the thing is theres a few maps where after mikes multiple buffs you can kinda get away with running him due to being flying and tanky enough to survive a bit of aoe damage whereas gesunteit is a devensive unit that struggles with aoe damage. I wouldnt put ges in E tier myself id put it in D, but its not one i tend to rate highly.
Personally, switch Fantome and Le Shovell. And also move cluck norris from F to E .
I wouldnt move chuck up to E, id just move cecillia down to F, both are so awful. As for fantome, i find it hard to say, both are still really nasty.